Blue Dart Tracking

Blue Dart offers you a variety of ways to track your shipments for your convenience. Shipments can be tracked for a period of 45 days from the date of shipment

Select the Waybill no. or Ref No and enter the Blue Dart tracking number of your package and click the track button to get the tracking status of your package

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Blue Dart Courier Tracking

Blue Dart Trackings allows every customer of this company to check the shipping online. In the field above, enter the Blue Dart Courier Tracking code and the service will process the data for you. The information on how to track or cancel my order can be found on the official website: However, our portal offers you the exact information about the location of your cargo around the clock.

Below is the Steps to track blue dart courier:

1)Go to the Blue Dart Tracking . You will see a Blue Dart online tracking form.

2)Select the waybill no. or refernce no. you have recieved from Blue Dart.

3) Enter the Waybill no. Or Reference no. given in the Blue Dart Tracking form.

4) Click Track button to get status of Blue Dart Courier

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First Flight Courier Tracking

Blue Dart

Blue Dart founded in 1983 by Khushroo Dubash, Clyde Cooper and Tushar Jani, it is one of the most famous courier services in Asia and a premier package distribution company. There Group Company DHL group offers services in over 200 countries and territories worldwide. They have a huge presence in India, with warehouses in about 80 cities and a huge distribution network. Advanced technologies and committed workers are the strengths of the company. You have received the ISO 9001-2008 certification for all your business activities in the country. Bluedart Aviation Ltd, which was founded as a subsidiary of the company, is a pioneer in the air cargos movement. Company has won numerous awards, including the Reader's Digest's most trusted brand five times in a row.

Blue Dart Courier Services is the first logistics service provider in India that has delivered both domestic and international deliveries. When you check the Blue Dart milestone, you will find the step by step growth with advanced features. Basically in 1988 Blue Dart launched real-time tracking system for broadcast tracking for all. Blue Dart recognized as a cost-effective logistics service Solution Dart Surfaceline. It further improves your customer satisfaction. Bluedart launched, the ESS (employee satisfaction survey) is called. In 1998 Blue Dart Aviation developed so quickly with trim software for its B737f flight.

Blue Dart Tracking Number

The preferred and fastest way to track the Blue Dart Courier status is to enter the number of the shipment in the above form and click on the Track Courier Status Button. This displays the current status of the courier shipment. Customers can also use the official website of the first flight to find tracking details.

The most common tracking number format is a series of 9 digits (e.g. 000 000 000). Some other less common formats may also exist.

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Blue Dart Mobile Tracking

Blue Dart offers simple service MobileDart for customers who want to track the location of the courier package via mobile via SMS/WAP. There are currently two options offered by mobile tracking. One is to check current status of shipping and other one is to get delivery status message.

To receive details about the current status of the shipment, customers can send SMS in the following format to 56767

T <WayBill / Reference Number>

To receive a message about the delivery of the shipment package, customers can send SMS in the following format to 56767

I <WayBill / Reference Number>

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Blue Dart Email Tracking

Blue Dart also offers another option for the customer for tracking package. Customers who cannot access the Blue Dart website and who cannot send SMS can use e-mail for tracking purposes.

To find the current status of the shipment by air waybill number, send mail to track[at]Bluedart with air waybill number in the Subject field or email body text.

For tracking shipment package by reference/order number send an email to trackref[at]Bluedart with reference PO in the Subject field.

Blue Dart customers can also receive automated e-mail on successful delivery of courier package. Just send mail to Intimateme[at]Bluedart with air waybill number in the Subject field.

Blue Dart Customer Care

If customers could not get shipping tracking details online or via mobile or email, you can call Blue Dart customer service. Bluedart has 24 hour counters in 4 cities.

Mumbai (Airport Vile Parle) - (022) 26184202/3286

Delhi (Delhi Cantt.) - (011) 25699951/52/53/54

Hyderabad - (040) 23311919/2110/2060

Kolkata - (033) 22881919

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Why my Bludart Shipment is not getting tracked yet?

It typically takes about 24 hours for your tracking number to be updated online. Online retailers often provide the tracking code before it appears on the official tracking portal.

BlueDart provides several methods for tracking your shipment. You can track your package for up to 45 days from the dispatch date.

Today Blue Dart Courier Post Tweets--Tuesday, March 11th, 2025

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